Pritam Purakit back in school
Pritam Purakit back in school
Kantakhali village is most disadvantage village in Mohonpur where maximum people’s livelihood based on embroidery and handicraft, Parents are maximum time engage on this particular work as result they did not care her children properly, as result non school going and absenteeism is high. So Kajla Janakalyan Samity (KJKS) running tuition centre and education support center for the dropout & irregular student. A tuition center and education support center running at same place of Kantakhali village under Mohonpur Gram Panchayet as per the need of the children. Pritam Purkait is a 14 year old student of Mohonpur KKGC Institution and lives in Kantakhali village under Mohonpur Gram Panchayet. His father, mother and grand-mother work hard to earn bread for the family. When he was in class-VIII he decided to stop her education because of economical problems and also he is poor in education. The community teacher Mrs. Rama Mondal of Kajla Janakalyan Samity noticed this scenario and visited PRITAM`S family, Due to KJKS initiatives Pritam Grand-mother decided not to stop her education in spite of all family problem and also Local Village level child protection committee member talk to school authority for re-admission, Now Pritam admission in Class IX at Mohonpur KKGC Institution and he is continuing to school. Pritam become a member of Village Level Child Protection committee of Kantakhali village and he is visited each and every house for education of children. He thanks to community teacher of KJKS for being an inspiration for his education.